
Drawing of the Last Breath - post mortem

Plot: outsmart machines while you're on the can

What? BEACON is evolving...

Lessons learned - Brood post-mortem

Reaching for the stars - weeks 27 to 34 of making a video game

Penultimate dump - weeks 19 to 26 of making a game

When the going gets tough, it's time to make excuses - weeks 13 to 18 of finishing a game

Hopscotch - weeks 9 to 12 of finishing a video game

That which remains - week eight of making a video game

Coding nature's cruelty - week seven of making a video game

Out of time... and space - week six of making a video game

Stuck in the mud - week five of making a video game

Biting down - week four of making a video game